Saturday, 21 July 2012

The post I've been avoiding writing!

This post should of perhaps been my very 1st post since this blog is all about me sharing my journey and reaching my goals. I mentioned when I gave advice on a previous post about setting goals that I'd share my own goals but since then I've been wimping out. Quite simply because of fear. What if I share what my goals are and then I fail to achieve them? It wouldn't exactly be very inspiring. However whilst trying to decide how to get out of doing this post after already saying I'd share my goals as well as how I planned to achieve them I realised that firstly by putting my goals out there it would motivate me to achieve (as I'd of annouced to the world what I was doing and so was no way of going back or getting out of it), but more importantly that if I reached my goals I'd be able to share how I did it and if I didn't I'd be able to share my mistakes. I've decided that if I get it wrong I'm just going to own up and tell you. I've be fightened to do this being an instructor encase people think well I'm not going to her class, she can't even achieve her own goals nevermind help me with mine. I then decided I may be an instructor, but you don't become a great driver as soon as you've passed your test or expert in parenthood as soon as your child is born. Everything in life needs to be experienced before you can truly relate to someone. So I've decided that I will become the best instructor by sharing and succeeding in my own goals rather than preaching about what you should be doing when in all honesty I'm still learning what fully works for me. I can share how I've lost weight and got into shape but I can't share how I reached all my goals as I haven't yet. I really want to be an expert in getting mums the results they really want.  So here is my goals below and I'll be sharing with you the highs, lows, failures, successes and mistakes made along the way in trying to achieve them!

My goals:

*To have the confident to have a photoshoot and one day rather than share other peoples motivation posters I'll start my own. Cringey I know!
*To have the confident to start work-out videos and sessions via skype.
*To have a perk bum free from cellulite ;-)
*Definition in lower stomach and arms.
*Eat clean 80% of the time and learn new recipes.
*Become stronger and fitter.

Now you know my goals I'll keep you updated on how I'm doing. Wish me luck x

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