Wednesday, 29 August 2012

The Funny Motivation We All Need!

These both make me chuckle because I've done them, shamefully A LOT! Although on a more serious side (boring I  know), but these hit the nail on the head for me. When I get depressed about not achieving the results I want this is why! I don't give it time and push through. I want results straight away and I'm impatient. When that doesn't happen I think sod it I'll eat cake, it's not working anyway! Or I'll start again on Monday......why? What's wrong with the next day? So I can cheat all weekend and wonder why I'm not achieving? Or I do but then the results slowly slip away. It's good to laugh about your mistakes and learn from them but whilst chuckling over how ridiculous it is that we've all done this, it's now time to look at in on a more serious note and not allow yourself to do this anymore. The only one who can sacrifice your results is YOU! Laugh, love and learn but don't sabotage your own success. 

Wishing you loads of success fighting your emotional eating demons.

Monday, 20 August 2012

What the .... is wrong with some people?!

Some people for whatever reason are just horrible for no reason it seems. I follow a lot of fanpages for motivation and to inspire me. I need constant inspiration to keep me on track as I'm not naturally motivated to eat healthy.

Anyway two of the the pages I follow include 'Kelly Rennie' a fitness model and 'Tone it up' who offer online exercise and food plans helping people reach their goals.

Both of these pages will often give free exercise routines or tips hence I follow them, but I've been so saddened to see despite this they've both been on the receiving end of insults and this is unfortunately just two of the many pages I've seen this on.

I wanted to highlight this because when your on the road to success there will always be someone who will want to see you fail. It's important to not let them get to you and realise you are doing so well.

'Tone it up' shared a photo of a before and after of someone following their plan. This girl looked amazing and clearly had worked so hard, but whilst most commented to say how good she looked and what an inspiration she was,  other comments included 'Still room for improvement!'. The girl is now a healthy size and lean but  feminine, however comments like this is when people can take things too far and it makes me so angry. No wonder people get depressed or end up with eating disorders.

'Kelly Rennie' had a baby 8 weeks ago and was in amazing shape before falling pregnant and kept up with exercises that are safe to do so whilst pregnant. She also ate highly nutrient based foods to keep herself in the best shape whilst pregnant. When she had her baby girl she kept up the healthy eating but no dieting and after 6 weeks when it was safe to do so she started exercising again. As she was in such great shape before falling pregnant and kept up what was safe to follow whilst pregnant it meant after just 8 weeks after giving birth her stomach looked flat.

Here are the photo's, which I believe most of us could only dream of having a stomach like this just 8 weeks later. For me it motivates me to train for my next pregnancy before falling pregnant as I find it truly inspiring.

Before falling pregnant
Keeping up healthy lifestyle whilst pregnant.

8 weeks after giving birth.

However some of the comments include 'Kim was in better shape than that the day she got out after having Corey...fact' and 'its not that rare or impressive'!

Now if you truly believe this then fair enough but why say it? Why even follow her if you don't like what she does? To me if you don't like what you see then just 'unlike' it's really that simple. Why dampen someones spirits?

I personally don't believe anyone should hope to get the results Kelly has,  it's unrealistic for many of us and it could make you feel slightly down when you don't look like this. However for me it makes me want to be in  fantastic shape before falling pregnant next time. Not by dieting but just healthy eating and exercise.
So always remember when trying to succeed we all need a little help along the way so search for role models to aspire too, but ultimately be yourself and be prepared for the haters. Don't let them succeed in making you give up. Just because they can't do it doesn't mean you can't. It is possible if you believe it.
Wishing you loads of success,
 Miss Work it Baby ;) xxx

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

No Sugar Challenge - The Results!

Hey guys, sorry for big gaps in posts but I have a really good reason. I've moved home and been revising for an exam and been away training in Cheerobics. 

Anyway, what I have now completed is a 4 week no sugar challenge. When I say no Sugar I mean no refined sugars but I've had a little bit of natural sugars within foods like milk and fruit etc. 

I started the challenge as I believe in everything in moderation, but found with the stress of finding a new home and moving I started to binge and my healthy eating when out the window. I found I couldn't just have a little anymore and was getting addicted to sugar so I decided cold turkey was my best option. I was getting really depressed as I've worked so hard to get results and found that they were slowly slipping away. My stomach had became so bloated that it started looking like a pouch at the bottom and defined at top which made me feel angry with myself as I was throwing away everything I'd worked so hard for. I decided I could feel sorry for myself or do something about it. So I did. 

Now for anyone that's not into sweet treats 4 weeks may not seem long, but when you've got a bit of an addiction and eating these foods daily it's a lifetime. The 1st week was a killer and I nearly gave up on the 1st day when my mother in law made loads of homemade cakes. I kept telling myself well I could always start again tomorrow. However I'm really proud as I resisted and did complete the 4 weeks. I decided they would always be temptations, but that it was only 4 weeks and if I really wanted results that I'd do it. The truth of the matter is if you really want something you'll just do it, so I had to ask myself how much I wanted it. The answer was A LOT!

Here is my results, which may not seem amazing but I feel there is real noticable difference.

Let me know your challenges,

Love Kirsty x