Wednesday, 29 August 2012

The Funny Motivation We All Need!

These both make me chuckle because I've done them, shamefully A LOT! Although on a more serious side (boring I  know), but these hit the nail on the head for me. When I get depressed about not achieving the results I want this is why! I don't give it time and push through. I want results straight away and I'm impatient. When that doesn't happen I think sod it I'll eat cake, it's not working anyway! Or I'll start again on Monday......why? What's wrong with the next day? So I can cheat all weekend and wonder why I'm not achieving? Or I do but then the results slowly slip away. It's good to laugh about your mistakes and learn from them but whilst chuckling over how ridiculous it is that we've all done this, it's now time to look at in on a more serious note and not allow yourself to do this anymore. The only one who can sacrifice your results is YOU! Laugh, love and learn but don't sabotage your own success. 

Wishing you loads of success fighting your emotional eating demons.

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