Tuesday, 14 August 2012

No Sugar Challenge - The Results!

Hey guys, sorry for big gaps in posts but I have a really good reason. I've moved home and been revising for an exam and been away training in Cheerobics. 

Anyway, what I have now completed is a 4 week no sugar challenge. When I say no Sugar I mean no refined sugars but I've had a little bit of natural sugars within foods like milk and fruit etc. 

I started the challenge as I believe in everything in moderation, but found with the stress of finding a new home and moving I started to binge and my healthy eating when out the window. I found I couldn't just have a little anymore and was getting addicted to sugar so I decided cold turkey was my best option. I was getting really depressed as I've worked so hard to get results and found that they were slowly slipping away. My stomach had became so bloated that it started looking like a pouch at the bottom and defined at top which made me feel angry with myself as I was throwing away everything I'd worked so hard for. I decided I could feel sorry for myself or do something about it. So I did. 

Now for anyone that's not into sweet treats 4 weeks may not seem long, but when you've got a bit of an addiction and eating these foods daily it's a lifetime. The 1st week was a killer and I nearly gave up on the 1st day when my mother in law made loads of homemade cakes. I kept telling myself well I could always start again tomorrow. However I'm really proud as I resisted and did complete the 4 weeks. I decided they would always be temptations, but that it was only 4 weeks and if I really wanted results that I'd do it. The truth of the matter is if you really want something you'll just do it, so I had to ask myself how much I wanted it. The answer was A LOT!

Here is my results, which may not seem amazing but I feel there is real noticable difference.

Let me know your challenges,

Love Kirsty x


Lisa said...

Just found you via the Tots100 widget. Think I need to follow your blog to keep me motivated too - I've lost and put on my babyweight TWICE since having my son 3 years ago. I am rubbish! Currently on attempt number 3 and trying very hard to see it through and stick to the healthy habits this time.

Lisa @ http://www.howtobeadomesticdisgrace.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Aw Lisa, thank you for telling me how you found me :) and I really hope my blog can keep you motivated. It can be so hard. I follow a lot of people on fitness journeys to inspire me and it keeps me motivated, so hopefully I can do the same for you. Good luck with your goals :)