Sunday, 30 September 2012

5 Tips To Fight Cellulite!

I have cellulite, not as much as before that's for sure but unfortunately I do still have cellulite. This pains me as I've lost weight and work-out so what am I doing wrong? Well I started to do a little research. The truth is quite depressing because even the most beautiful frames still seem to suffer too. Britney Spears and Tulisa to name a very few have all been caught on camera with cellulite. This quite pathetically makes me feel better. Now if your reading this you most probably have cellulite too. Apparently 80 to 90% of women do. The truth is nearly all women have cellulite and there is still a lot of debate on what actually causes cellulite since underweight and overweight people get the dreaded orange peel skin. Cellulite is defined in the dictionary as dimply skin caused by uneven fat deposits beneath the surface. Many experts believe that as cellulite is found commonly in very skinny women as well as the curvaceous that the problem is toxins. Chemicals ingested from birth control,  food chain, water supply, and pollutants breathed in from the environment.  The theory is that the body stores toxins in cells near the skin’s surface where they can do the least damage. Others are sceptical about this theory. One thing they all seem to agree on though is a poor diet plays a huge role in the cause of cellulite. This for me is very true. If I'm to be very honest to you when I lost my weight over 2 years ago now I did it through yes improving my diet and through a lot of exercise but to be truthful my diet still wasn't great. I was still not eating anywhere near as healthy as I should of been. Which is one of the reasons I started this blog so I could start my journey battling this so when I tell people to eat healthy my conscience is clear.
In the last year and especially in the last 6 months I've became some what more serious about nutrition and in fact passionate to know more. I've became quite fascinated in the subject. The reason for this is whilst I lost my weight I never became truly satisfied with my results. The more research I did the more apparent it became that getting the diet right was key. I was in denial trying to outweigh bad food with plenty of exercise. The truth is it doesn't work. Yes exercise is amazing for getting results but on it's own you won't truly get where you want to be and vice versas. You need to do both so you tone, lose weight and actually start to feel better - less tired, more energy, stronger and fitter. If you do just one you may lose weight but your unlikely to become defined or get as fit as you'd like.
So the big question is 'How do we get rid of the cottage cheese look'?!
The truth is massages, body bushing and creams can help temporary but results won't last as they don't deal with the cause of the problem. So these are ideal methods if you want to improve the look of cellulite for an occasion or holiday but if you wish to tackle the issue permanently you need to work on the inside. I know this works as surprise surprise my cellulite didn't change when I lost weight but  in the last 6 months since leading a much healthier palette it's finally improved. Not gone (but to be honest I'm still battling with the healthy eating lifestyle), but what I can say as it's definitely improved so here's my personal advice.
My top tips:
1) Look at what chemicals you putting into your body?  Make sure you've done your research on any supplements your putting into your body too. Bare in mine your birth control maybe making the condition worse. I was quite depressed to find out my contraceptive pill could be aggravating the problem.
2) I really try and drink 6-8oz glasses of water a day as well as green tea as it's full of anti-oxidants.  These are said to help flush out any excess sodium that causes fluid retention.
3) I eat regularly but I've tried to give up the fatty, sweet and processed foods. Basically the junk food.  How you lose weight is key to minimising cellulite since mentioned earlier even the very slim can get cellulite. So the fad diets will only be making it worse even if they are successful with helping you drop some weight.  Crash dieting can actually make cellulite worse by reducing skin’s elasticity, making more of those little puckers noticeable.
4) I Enjoy foods with essential fatty acids. These can  help by strengthening the connective tissues around fat cells, thereby helping to reduce cellulite. Sources include olive oil, flax seed oil and fish oil. Onions can also help as they help release water build-up from skin cells.
5) Enjoy protein and aim to eat three small portions a day.   Protein can help as it contains albumin, which helps absorb excess fluid. Water retention can be part of the cellulite problem. So add small portions of fish, nuts, beans etc each day. Quinoa is something I've introduced into my diet too.

I hope you find my tips useful,
Love Miss Work it Baby x x x

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